A passion for culture & history

Living in Saudi Arabia for the past decade has been the most incredible adventure of my life. I never imagined I would experience the Bible so vividly in the land of Islam! From stories about those who “got off the boat” (referring to Noah and his sons) to conversations about tracing their genealogy back to Abraham, uncovering the culture of Arabia has brought many unexpected surprises.

Far from the monotonous, barren landscapes I once expected, I’ve discovered a fascinating world—gently flowing wadis, captivating traditions, and even the stark deserts reveal a unique and profound beauty of their own

I can’t wait to share my passion for the land of Arabia with you!

—Ella Osorio

Ella Osorio founded kaphkaph.com in 2024 after living and working in Saudi Arabia for 10 years. During those years, she explored hundreds of historical and archeological sites around the nation and has become an expert in the ancient history and culture of this land.

A teacher at heart, Ella holds a master’s in business administration as well as a master’s in education, so she’s well-qualified to manage the business side as well as lead tours herself.